Focus Populations and Employment Programs
Focused Employment Programs
In addition to the employment services offered to Snohomish County residents through the WorkSource system, WFS has also identified several populations on which to focus supplementary efforts.

Refugees and Aslyees
A refugee is a person who is seeking a safe haven after being forced to flee violence, persecution or war. Similar to a refugee, an asylum seeker is someone who may be in search of protection due to dangers in his or her home country. Refugees benefit the communities in which they settle in many ways, including:
- Bringing productivity to their host countries, where they are integrated across various communities.
- Enriching their local communities, creating a cultural diversity within the local population and helping nurture understanding and appreciation for social diversity.
- Stimulating the economy, often boosting economic activity and increasing wages.
- Complementing the job market in the cities and states where they settle, boasting high rates of entrepreneurship and creating jobs.
Additionally, the refugee/aslyee seekers represent some of the vulnerable populations, over half of which are children. WFS knows it’s important to give this population the opportunity to live and thrive in a safe, welcoming community.
Refugee Career Pathways Initiative
Refugees Professional Careers Initiative (RPCI) is designed to assist immigrant, refugee, and asylee populations achieve self-sufficiency through professional employment drawing upon previously-acquired knowledge, skills, and experience. The unique combination of navigation services and support services funding offered through this program has dramatically improved outcomes for participants.
Translation of Professional Skills & Qualifications • Job Training • Education Connection • Support Services
Network of Partners
- Refugee & Immigrant Services Northwest (RISNW)
- DSHS Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance
- Volunteers of America Western Washington
Kitty Kitnikone | | (425) 921-3495
Low-incomes Households
As research increasingly finds, certain investments in assistance, health care, and education for children in low-income families can have positive long-term effects, such as improving children’s health status, educational success, and future work outcomes. These positive effects, in turn, can benefit the country by improving the skills of our workforce so that we are more fully using the talents of our people. Economic security programs can help bring children living in poverty closer to equal opportunity which is why WFS is dedicated to ensuring families have access to these services.
WFS and ECEAP at Edmonds College are working to create a seamless collaboration between the WorkSource system and the low-income households WS can help. By creating a natural entry point from ECEAP into the workforce system, parents and guardians can utilize the time the child is in the program to access supports needed to find and retain family-wage jobs.
Network of Partners
- Family resource centers around the county
- wide range of support public and private
- Headstart/ECEAP

Unexpected Job Transitions - Dislocated Workers
An unexpected end to a job is a shock, but WFS has numerous grants to help you get back on your feet while WorkSource can help you find a way forward with resources available free of charge.