Occupations in Demand


Occupations In Demand Overview

In accordance with state law, ESD’s Workforce Information and Technology Services (WITS) division prepares an initial Occupation In Demand (OID) identifying occupations as “in demand,” “balanced” and “not in demand” for the state and by Workforce Development Area (WDA). The local Workforce Development Councils (WDC) apply on-the-ground experience to ensure that they best reflect conditions in their areas.


Job seekers have a greater probability of finding work within an occupation.

Not in Demand
Job seekers have a lesser probability of finding work within an occupation.

Job seekers have an uncertain probability of finding work within an occupation.

How to access Snohomish County's Occupation in Demand (OID) list

  1. Click on the Statewide list below
  2. On the top right corner of the table, click on “Select Location & Categories”
  3. Under “Location,” select “Snohomish”
