Incumbent Worker Training Program
* Contingent upon available funding
For businesses to remain competitive in Snohomish County’s thriving economy, a well-trained workforce that is up-to-date on industry-recognized skills is necessary. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act’s (WIOA) Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program provides funding for continuing education, training, and upskilling of incumbent, or existing employees. The IWT program is designed to increase local businesses' competitiveness, avert potential layoffs, and/or upskill/backfill workers for existing Snohomish County businesses.
The IWT program provides businesses up to 90% matching reimbursement for preapproved, direct, training-related costs. Funding is available up to $60,000 per business and is capped at $6,000 per trainee.
Per WIOA requirements, the matching share of the training costs paid for by the business may include:
- A worker’s wages or compensation while the worker is attending training.
- Equipment, books, or software purchased for training.
- Curriculum development costs.
The business may provide their matching share in cash, or in-kind fairly evaluated contributions. Official payroll records, time and attendance sheets, invoices for equipment purchases, etc. are used to determine the amount of the business’ share of cost.
The business’ non-federal matching share is dependent on the size of its workforce and shall not be less than:
- 10 percent of the cost, for businesses with not more than 50 employees;
- 25 percent of the cost, for businesses with more than 50 employees but not more than 100 employees; and
- 50 percent of the cost, for businesses with more than 100 employees.
The maximum amount is $45,000 per business per approved training. If a business has more than one location in Snohomish County, they are treated as either one business or separate businesses depending upon their assigned Federal Employer Identification Number(s) (FEIN). If the locations operate under different FEINs, they will be considered separate businesses that will need to submit separate applications and receive separate awards. If the locations operate under a single FEIN, they will be considered one business and their training efforts, application, and award will need to cover all applicable sites
To request more information or to set an appointment with a Workforce Snohomish professional, please email to business.engagement@workforcesnohomish.org.
To read a full-detailed IWT guideline, click on the button below.