Brand Guidelines
Workforce Snohomish has strict standards for the use of its logo and tagline; below are the logo guidelines, correct tagline, and appropriate color scheme. These guidelines are not an approval of the use of the Workforce Snohomish logo, please send approval requests to:
CMYK 30/30/30/100
RGB 10/5/5
HEX #0A0505
CMYK 30/30/30/100
RGB 10/5/5
HEX #0A0505
CMYK 20/0/100/00
RGB 215/223/35
CMYK 50/0/100/0
RGB 141/198/63
CMYK 75/20/100/5
RGB 74/148/67
HEX #4A9443
CMYK 85/30/45/10
RGB 5/129/132
HEX #058184
CMYK 80/15/30/0
RGB 0/162/177
HEX #00A2B1
CMYK 30/0/15/0
RGB 176/223/219
CMYK 0/85/85/0
RGB 240/78/55
HEX #F04E37
CMYK 20/100/50/5
RGB 190/30/88
CMYK 0/50/100/0
RGB 247/148/30
HEX #F7941E
CMYK 0/10/100/0
RGB 255/221/0
Standard Layouts
Four versions of the Workforce Snohomish logo have been created. The “Stacked Right” version is the preferred layout. The alternate versions can be used in circumstances where the “Stacked Right” logo layout is compromised.
The logo should appear on a white background whenever possible. Busy background patterns should be avoided. Wherever the logo is used, the following tagline must be included.
Tagline: Workforce Snohomish is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Washington Relay 711.
DO NOT copy and paste the logos contained within this web page, instead click on the button below to download a complete archive of hi-resolution Workforce Snohomish logos